How to Treat Heartburn When Pregnant

How to Treat Heartburn When Pregnant

In the event you’re pregnant, then you certainly might also expect you’ll treat an intermittent bout of heartburn in the next few months. Why does heartburn occur when you find yourself pregnant? You’ll be able to blame it around the hormone progesterone. Higher progesterone levels sometimes make the lower muscle to relax, allowing stomach acid to make a return trip through the esophagus. Obviously, most medications can be avoided while you’re pregnant. However , there are a few natural, secure and efficient ways to treat heartburn when you’re pregnant.

Eat smaller plus more frequent meals throughout the day rather than the typical ‘three squares. ‘

Wait no less than an hour after eating and enjoying to rest or sleep the night. Also, avoid bending forward (whenever you can do so anyway) on an hour after having a meal or snack.

Enhance your water intake in daytime to scale back potential risk of heartburn occurring. At the very least eight full glasses could be the standard.

Soothe away heartburn symptoms by drinking a little glass of warm milk which has a dollop of honey blended in.

Purchase to a helping of plain yogurt to ease your heartburn symptoms. Besides being delicious, yogurt contains live cultures that can help restore the total amount of ‘friendly’ bacteria within your intestines and stomach.

Practice heartburn prevention by avoiding food items that trigger it, like spicy or deep-fried food.

Avoid highly acidic fruits and vegetables that may also cause an attack of heartburn, such as oranges, grapefruit, pineapple and tomatoes. This means passing up juices made from these culprits also.

Cut all caffeinated (including chocolate) and carbonated drinks out of your diet, as these tend to promote bouts of heartburn. Teas are fine, provided that it doesn’t contain any leaf from your mint family, like peppermint or spearmint.

Tips & Warnings

Take solace in understanding that experiencing heartburn during pregnancy is usually temporary.

Heartburn is much more commonly experienced in the third trimester of being pregnant due to more pressure being put on organs, including the stomach.

If drinking more water when pregnant presents a challenge for you, for example increasing fluid buildup in tissues, talk to your doctor about how precisely to manage this.

Look for with your doctor when considering any over-the-counter medications to deal with heartburn when you find yourself pregnant. A few of these antacid medications may contain high levels of sodium or perhaps lead.

Call a medical expert if your heartburn symptoms boost in severity or occur with greater frequency. Your doctor may advise a medication safe to adopt during your pregnancy, or even an antacid made from calcium carbonate.

I love to share resources that help address common problems in women. To learn more about getting pregnant naturally, check out this Personal Path to Pregnancy . Also check out Pregnancy Without Pounds , where you can find ways to have a healthy pregnancy while remaining sexy after birth.

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