Beyond Body Wraps – How to Implement a Detoxification Program That Complements Body Wraps

body wraps to lose weight

Beyond Body Wraps – How to Implement a Detoxification Program That Complements Body Wraps

Body wraps are often the first thing people think of when they decide to detoxify their bodies, as they are a crucial component of a regimen to help you achieve fast inch loss and improved health.

But to get the full benefit of your wraps and to further improve your health, it is helpful to implement an overall detoxification program that supports the process.

Detoxification is one of the most important keys to achieving good health. We often think detoxification consists primarily of cleanses and body wraps, however in a healthy body, it is a natural ongoing process.

Detoxification is handled by many of our internal systems and helps to eliminate or neutralize anything that could be potentially harmful to our body tissue. It improves health and also stimulates fast inch loss since toxins can be a huge barrier to weight loss.

Some of these toxins are produced by our own bodies, such as the ammonia produced during the process of breaking down of protein. Other toxins like pesticides, household cleaners, food additives, pollution, and heavy metals enter our bodies when we ingest or inhale them on a daily basis.

Sometimes, due to poor eating habits, too many pollutants, and overall imbalance our bodies need to be cleansed and replenished with some help from us. Using body wraps can be an extremely effective way to help your body detoxify. There are also additional detoxification methods you can incorporate to complement the positive effects of the body wrap.

1 . Use an herbal-fiber bowel restorer to encourage normal colon function. If your colon is sluggish, or if you have excess “bad" bacteria in the colon, extra toxins and gas will be created. Some of these toxins can find their way into your blood stream and travel to your joints, muscles and organs. Your body will deal with these toxins naturally, but you can help the process by restoring regular bowel function.

2 . Supplement with digestive enzymes and probiotics. The enzymes present in raw foods help our bodies properly digest the foods we eat, however few of us get enough raw food in our diets, which decreases our body’s ability to digest food. Probiotics are the “good" bacteria that help us fight off disease, product vitamins, metabolize hormones, nourish new cells and produce enzymes that help with food digestions.

3. Lose excess fat as that is where toxins hide. You can start losing weight by improving your eating habits and beginning a regular exercise routine. For immediate site specific inch loss use the body wraps.

4. Support liver and kidney function and proper PH balance with Greens and a whole food based natural multivitamin that includes herbs and milk thistle. Your liver and kidneys are responsible for much of your body’s natural detoxification process. Toxic overload can place stress on these organs.

5. Consider utilizing ionic footbaths and infrared sauna therapy along with body wraps for ultimate toxic relief. These all effectively remove toxins from your body.

Remember that body wraps are an essential part of a detoxification program. With the body wraps, you will see fast inch loss, smoother and toned skin and cellulite improvement in the areas where the wrap is placed. They also can have significant stress reducing capabilities, so your overall outlook will be improved. Another side benefit of body wraps is that seeing the immediate results you get from them will give you with the desire to live the healthier lifestyle that supports their benefits!

Request your free information about Ultimate Applicator detoxing inch loss wraps and discover how you can immediately lose inches, tighten and tone your body in as little as 45 minutes! Additional and progressive results will be realized with consistent use. Results are actual fat loss, not water loss, and will last for 2-6 mos.

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