Hypothyroidism and Acupuncture

Hypothyroidism and Acupuncture

Hypothyroidism is the inability of the thyroid gland to function optimally. Until recently, it was assumed that only orthodox medicine could be used for treatment. However , alternatives in the health industry have proven promising – especially acupuncture. It has been stated that people suffering from hypothyroidism have obtained relief with this method.

The thyroid gland is located at the front and lower part of the neck. It is an endocrine gland that secretes the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are generally responsible for balancing our metabolic body processes. The shortage of these hormones is referred to as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is common mainly in women of reproductive age. It can occur in males and children, but is more common among females. The reasons for this are as yet unknown.

Acupuncture is popular among the Chinese and has been acclaimed as a successful method for treating various ailments. It has been discovered that specific parts of the human anatomy are associated with peripheral nerves. With acupuncture, these spots on the body are pierced with sharp, fine needles specially designed for the purpose. The needles help nullify the pain the individual is experiencing, and aid in curing the complaint.

Acupuncture has existed among the Chinese for centuries, and is highly respected. It is reputed to treat and cure many diseases, and has been officially adopted in regions of southeast Asia, demonstrating its efficacy. Additional research is being implemented, to test its effectiveness in eliminating disease.

While a total cure has not been confirmed (by Western medicine), it is possible that acupuncture can help an individual live a healthy, energy-filled life. So , if you have found orthodox medicine ineffective, “alternative" medicine such as herbal treatments and acupuncture are well worth investigating. Some of these have often proven over time to do what orthodox medicine could not – cure ailments.

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