Help! I Want to Lose Weight – How to Motivate Myself

Help! I Want to Lose Weight – How to Motivate Myself

“Help, I want to lose weight", was what I said to my best friend. I was sick and tired of being laughed at, sick and tired of not wearing dresses, sick and tired of not feeling pretty. Rebecca, my best friend, tried to console me by saying that I was beautiful as I was, but I knew that something needed to be done!

I was game! “Help, I want to lose weight", is what I said to my nutritionist and she drew up a diet for me, which would guarantee that I lost weight. After all, if you’re surviving on twelve hundred calories for an extended period of time, you’re bound to lose weight right?

Wrong! No one will be able to help you if you can’t stay motivated and this is what I found out the hard way. You can go to any number of people and say to them “help, I want to lose weight", the best part is, they’ll even be willing to help you, but you’re not going to achieve anything if you can’t stay motivated.

Step One: Make A List

…of all the reasons why you want to lose weight. You have to first establish why you want to lose weight and it has to be a bunch of good reasons. “Help I want to lose weight", is then going to be a really easy question to answer, because whenever you need help, you just have to refer to your list.

Step two: Take Action

Once you’ve drawn up your list of reasons, you have to come up with a plan or strategy that will help you lose weight. You have to get moving. After reading the list, you should get your gym gear ready and head off towards it.

Every time you pass Dunkin’ Donuts, you have to resist the urge to go in and get a nice chocolate glazed doughnut for yourself. You have to be that focused.

Step Three: Be Critical

“Help I want to lose weight", is something that I hear so many people saying and I realize that they are making the same mistakes as I did. Please don’t go easy on yourself. If you have cellulite all over your thighs, then don’t overlook it.

Don’t say to yourself, that it is okay to be that way. Instead, work out how you can get rid of it. “help, I want to lose weight", is something that will be easily taken care of if you are your worst critic.

There are a lot of things that can keep you motivated, if you are one of those people who are constantly thinking to themselves, " help I want to lose weight “, go here at to find out about them! I would love to have you as one of my registered members at my blog. Register FREE as a member at my site and download e-book, 101 Top Diet Tips for Good Health, ABSOLUTELY FREE.

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