Lose Weight Easily by Being Less Stressed

Lose Weight Easily by Being Less Stressed

Get rid of stress and you’ll lose your excess weight too. When you are feeling stressed and if you are someone who eats too much to try to relieve the stress then by discovering other ways to deal with stress will have a beneficial effect on the way you feel and change your eating habits too. Eating too much sugary or fattening food may make you feel better but it is only a temporary solution. Eventually the more you eat the more stressed you become because you will be stressed about being overweight in addition to whatever else is causing you stress, your weight will increase too.

What is it that starts you eating too much?

What emotion do you feel? Some people eat too much in response to anger, sadness, frustration, for example. Identify how you feel. Is there a particular person involved when you get those feelings? Where are you when it happens? Is it about your self-esteem or your beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of?

Become more aware of what is happening to you, your mind and your body and the way you respond. If you change one of these then other changes will happen too.

For example if you notice you feel like eating too much after an argument with your partner then decide you won’t get into that particular conversation again. Notice how it starts and be ready with a strategy to change your response. This could be that you say something different or you physically leave the room. When you feel tension inside of you building up, don’t rush to eat something. Instead take some slow breaths in and out. As you breathe in say to yourself I’m breathing in calmness and relaxation and as you breather out, ‘I’m breathing out tension and anger (or whatever negative emotion you feel at the time).

You know what you have to do and you plan your day accordingly. You don’t like anyone else to interfere and you rarely accept an offer of help.

Let go of stress and begin to lose weight. Susan Kersley uses Coaching, NLP and hypnosis to enable you to lose the weight you no longer want: http://ift.tt/1fdYAx6

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