How to Lose Fat Without Cardio – The Simple Weight Loss Steps

simple steps to losing weight

How to Lose Fat Without Cardio – The Simple Weight Loss Steps

One of the common fat loss errors which I observe people make is: when they are about to return to their workout routine, they typically say “I will perform cardio for some days and burn fat prior to training with weights" mindset.

The truth here is that it is possible for you to lose fat without cardio workouts, even for a day. Though it looks unattainable, but this is the fact.

Ideology: cardio strips off fat while weight training adds mass.

The fact: your muscle is the place where fat is lost, work it out to make it used to stress and grow and you will be able to lose a lot of pounds of fat more than cardio can lose for you. Cardio is just an additional trial to your fat loss efforts. The bad news is that most people do cardio the wrong way while a good number of persons feel that they can burn fat simply by performing cardio only, it doesn’t work that way.

Cardio, which is the slow and steady type of workout you are common with doesn’t have any real fat loss burning factor. Though you could use it to enhance your body metabolism gradually in small portions, but you can apply it to your training in order to boost or preserve your muscle mass. It is proper for you to start up with cardio for some couple of days prior to doing exercises, but it is vital for you to begin cardio first before the others in order to form the habit. Don’t make it exceed 3 days prior to the starting of your main workout routine. If you take it any further you can harm your chances of surrendering some of your muscle tissues and factually damaging your already fat loss trials.

The most effective means to lose fat without doing cardio is to do 2 to 3 complete weight training sessions weekly and transform it from light to moderate in terms of the concentration. When you have passed through your initial 4-6 workouts you should start improving your intensity to rise your metabolic rate and shed more fat round the clock.

Below are some of the sections of your whole body workouts you should do which doesn’t involve cardio
Workout 1
Shoulder press
Dumbbell swing
Bent row
Barbell curl
Jump rope – 1/2 minute

Do about 8 repetitions of every one of these exercises mentioned above, do them one after the other with no rest till you have reached no 4. That is one round. Take a break for 1 minute and 30 seconds and do it again for another 3-6 times with 1 minute 30 seconds break after each round.

Workout 2
Hammer curl to press
Stiff leg dead lift
Overhead triceps extension
Step ups

Do abut 8 repetitions of every one of the exercises mentioned above from one to another with no break till you have reached no 4. That is one turn, take a break for 1 minute 30 seconds and do it for another 3-6 turns.

As for ab training exercises, that will come later on. As for cardio, once you are doing the workout like this one, you won’t require cardio at this level due to it could be counter productive. If you really want to perform cardio, perform interval workout for about 2-3 times weekly. You can do it right away when you are through with your weight training part or at various period of your day. Remember that it is not compulsory to do cardio, you can still lose fat without cardio.

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