Help Me Lose Weight – Free Consultation For Those Trying to Lose Weight

Help Me Lose Weight – Free Consultation For Those Trying to Lose Weight

I often hear the words, help me lose weight. I know many of you are trying to lose weight or want / need to lose weight. Believe me, I was there right with you. I weighed 265 lbs. and I wanted the help to lose weight.

I tried different programs and cut down the food that I ate, but I had no success. I decided to commit to a nutrition plan and a great workout program.. probably the best exercise to lose weight.

I struggled with weight for many years until I reached the age of 25. I have lost 85 lbs., and I have mastered the concept that many fail to do. Most people have the problem of keeping the weight off. Even shows like the Biggest Loser, have contestants that put the weight back on. I have been a steady 180 lbs., and have maintained this lifestyle since I originally started three years ago. Many fail to realize that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and people want to lose the weight fast.

So you’re probably thinking, that sounds great, but help me lose weight. I understand that, and it’s my plan. My promise was / is to pay it forward and end the trend of obesity across the world. You can get help losing weight.

I just don’t want to hear the word cannot… that you cannot lose weight. You know that one negative comment can dominate ten positive comments. The psychological aspect of losing weight is just as important as the physical one. In my opinion, the pychological aspect is far more important. It involves the motivation to lose weight, but also the belief and mindset that you can accomplish this. It can be overwhelming which is why many people have negative thoughts about losing weight. Having a trained mindset will be key to losing the weight, maintaining it, and continuing to live a long fulfilled life for you and your family.

I was of that belief and I was able to change and essentially reprogram my thinking. I help people with that because it’s crucial to your weight loss transformation but also for your long-term health.

Remember, I was in the same position as you, my friend. I weighed 265 lbs., and I was probably on the verge of 300 lbs. Now, I’m a healthy 180 lbs. I have mastered the toughest part, keeping the weight off.

I’ve decided to do something that no one people does. I’m going to offer you free immense value. You are going to have the opportunity to get a FREE weight loss consultation with me. No strings attached, no hooks! All you have to do is head over to my weight loss blog, and fill out the form. Then, we will get in contact and I’ll figure out what needs to be done to help you to lose weight and live a healthy life.

You’re not stuck and you can reverse this before it’s too late. You have to take action though, and I will help with the motivation to lose weight. So take action, my friend. Commit to this for yourself, your family, and your friends. Fill out the form on the top right of the page.

I’m a fitness and nutrition coach who has lost 85 lbs. Now, I help others who struggle with the trend of obesity.

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