How to Lose Weight Fast Without Pills – 3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Pills – 3 Tips to Lose Weight Fast

The reality is that weight loss has become a business and the goal of those who create diets, diet plans, diet programs, exercise programs, pills and supplements is mostly to make money, not make you lose weight permanently. If you lose weight successfully, then you are no longer bringing them money, so you are no good. If you want to know how to lose weight without pills, then pay close attention.

How to lose weight fast without pills

Maintain muscle

If you want to burn fat at a very high rate, then you need as much muscle mass as possible. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body has to burn, because muscle just needs a lot of calories. People too often concentrate of weight loss only, which is a mistake, because the scale does not tell you what exactly and how much, you are losing.

Small deficit of calories

Everyone knows that you can not lose weight, if you are not in a negative calorie balance. In other words you need to burn more calories, then you consume to reduce weight. The problem that every dieter faces, if she or he cuts calories too much, is the loss of muscle. As I pointed out muscle is needed to help you burn fat. The general guideline is to reduce your calories by 15-20% below your maintenance level and increase your activity a lot. This works for most people.

Eating frequently and do not skip meals

Consistency is another very important factor, that the majority of people ignore. Eating small and frequent meals increases your metabolic rate, so you burn more calories, thus making it easier to burn fat. Skipping meals is something that slows down the metabolic rate. So eating small , frequent meals and not skipping meals, has to become a habit. Losing weight fast without pills is certainly possible, because pills are a very poor way to lose weight anyway and all you really lose is your money.

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