Jogging Away Stress And Tension All Year Long

jogging to lose weight

Jogging Away Stress And Tension All Year Long
If you are looking for a little time for yourself to think, listen to calming music, or just get rid of the tension you have built up throughout the week, try jogging. In addition to the benefits already mentioned, you can get in better shape as well.

There is nothing quite like the quiet peace that comes while running on a beautiful path, feeling the cool breeze on your face, alone with your thoughts. Your mind can reap just as many benefits from this practice as your body!

At the same time, your body can take in a dose of vitamin D from the sun. It is always good to a get a little bit of sun when you can-and you cannot get that benefit from the gym!

Your body needs vitamin D so that it can properly absorb calcium and phosphorous, which both support strong, healthy bones and teeth. Although a lot of people argue that jogging has long term health implications, others believe the risks are minimal and that the benefits far outweigh the risk.

The most recognized benefit is that it increases your cardiovascular fitness. This means your heart, lungs, and muscles all become more efficient at using oxygen and experience less strain when doing so.

This practice also increases your HDL (high density lipoprotein) levels, and reduces blood pressure, which combined with the cardiovascular benefits, lowers your risk of heart attack and heart disease. Furthermore, it helps you burn fat, while toning your leg muscles at the same time.

Workout out in this way for just a half hour each day can decrease your chances of developing cancer, diabetes, and even osteoporosis. It can also boost your immune system, by promoting a higher concentration of white blood cells.

Now that you know the physical benefits, explore the wonderful benefits it can have on your mind and spirit. After all, in today’s modern, fast paced world, there are very few opportunities for you to be alone with your thoughts.

When you are at work, you are largely focused on the tasks at hand. Then, when you get home, there are various distractions such as the television, the internet, family, friends, and more.

However , when you are out running, you are completely alone with your thoughts, and have the ability to better sort through the tasks and goings on of the day, and re-center for tomorrow. You can even have a little time to listen to music every day.

Music has a wonderful healing power-it can calm you, inspire you, and help you to think through situations more clearly. It can also help to motivate you to work harder.

Best of all, it can be fun! Find a place that you really enjoy, and make it your own personal track.

Whether you live in the woods, near the beach, or even in a lovely city, find that beauty all around you. You may find that you notice much more when you are out running in it, then when you are driving by during your busy day.

There is nothing like the feeling of satisfaction you get from going that extra mile, shaving a few seconds off your previous time, exploring a new jogging route, or just the overall sense of mental freedom you get while you are out in nature. If you live in a place that you don’t feel is safe enough to run outside in, you can even try an elliptical machine at home.

Make sure that you set aside time just for using it, and let others know that this is a time when they should not disturb you. Even twenty minutes can do a great deal of good after a stressful day.

There is no reason why you should not give yourself a little bit of special time to improve your physical and mental health. You may find that you sleep better at night, and can stay more focused throughout your day.

Start slow when you begin. Do not push yourself too hard-just focus on the freedom, the enjoyment, and relaxation which can come.

You can even enlist friends or family members to jog with you, if you want a little time to be able to talk and unload after a long day. Give it try today!

Jack Landry is a personal trainer and has authored hundreds of articles relating to physical training and elliptical. He has been a health expert and physical trainer for over 15 years.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry
JackRLandry@gmail. com

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