About Detox Programs

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About Detox Programs

Detoxing has spread around for a while now. It has become the new kind of diet that people are getting all hyped up about. Whether it is for physical reasons or spiritual there are many benefits to fasting as well as a few risks. It all depends on how intense the fast is. The longer it is the more risk it may have on somebody especially if they have no prior fasting experience.

Detoxing and fasting should not be attempted until you verify the idea with your doctor or a professional. Now there are many benefits to fasting. People may do it for many reasons. One benefit is that your body becomes more pure after you fast. People may do this to help them get off drugs or kill the craving they have with junk food. Fasting is also known to be used for fat loss. Those are mostly physical reasons.

Some people do it spiritually. It originates back to ancient times. People did it back then for their religion and many people do the same today. Some may even do it for a mental test just to see if they have what it takes to do it. Fasting can be very for your overall health. I remember I did this fast that cleared up my skin from any inflammation. It was a fast that lasted for a few days and I could not eat anything but apples and drink nothing but water. I was pretty astounded by the result.

Fasting can also help you improve sleep. There are ones out there designed to eliminate parasites from your body. I heard some people do it to pass a drug test.

There may be many benefits to fasting and detoxing. But there are some risks that you should learn about before making a decision. It is not the easiest thing to do but it is not that hard. With that being said you can expect to feel hungry throughout the fast. Especially if it lasts more than three days. You will have a lack of energy and may feel dizzy at times. Feeling sleepy and fatigued is also very common.

The risks really all depend on how type of fasting program you are on. It could be severe. But there are always alternatives. Instead of going on an all out fast when you don’t eat anything you can just eliminate some things. You can cut out meat products, caffeine, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and nicotine. Doing this is not drastic at all and actually seems less like a fast and more of a diet. It is very recommended that you start off slow if considering going on a fast.

I personally have only done two. One was to clear my skin that worked great and the other was to get rid of cravings I had. I had an eating problem where I would binge eat a few times a week. The fast was pretty hard to go through but I went through it and felt great afterwards. It was only a three day fast but it was effective.

There is a diet program I recommend if you want to lose weight without going through a detox program. Just go to http://ift.tt/1CwF9uE to learn about the fat loss diet.

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