Your Guide to Losing Belly Fat

guide to losing weight

Your Guide to Losing Belly Fat

Do your clothes just not fit right when you get dressed? Are you frustrated with the size of your waist? Does your belly mean you must wear two different sizes of clothing to accommodate your apple shape? Does your belly make you feel worn out, self-conscious, depressed?

Looking at certain factors in your life will help you determine what you need to do in order to lose belly fat away and be the happy, energetic person you know is hiding under all that weight. Some of the factors may surprise you, and some will be obvious, but all will need to be taken into account if you want to be successful at getting rid of your excess weight.

First, consider you daily calorie intake. Reducing your weight to a healthy size will mean reducing calorie intake. But don’t go too drastic in your calorie cuts. If your body thinks famine has arrived, it will slow your metabolism in an attempt to preserve its energy supplies-your belly fat, that is. Slow metabolisms just do not melt belly fact with any amount of efficiency.

What you eat will also matter. Empty calories from sugary drinks, white flour products and saturated oils are not only nutritionally barren, they are one of the primary factors you even have belly fat in the first place. Avoid them like your ex-boyfriend. Instead, fill your dietary needs with the healthy stuff: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, unsaturated fats and lots of water. Flaxseed is also a good to add for your digestive needs.

Sleep is a natural ally in weight loss, did you know that? Cortisol, when over-produced in the body by stress and lack of sleep, will slow the metabolism. Levels of cortisol return to normal when we get good quality sleep. Yet another factor to take into consideration in your battle against belly fat.

You activity levels must also be taken into consideration when attempting to lose belly fat. A sedentary lifestyle contributes nothing to your health. Even moderately intensive activity, for instance, walking 30 minutes a day, will go a long ways towards promoting your health, increasing your metabolism and burning off that stubborn belly fat. Good all-over aerobic activities should be coupled with resistance training at least twice a week for optimum health. Activities like Yoga and Tai Chi will help reduce stress levels as well as tone your body.

Belly fat is not only uncomfortable and unattractive, it is also quite dangerous to your health. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease are all linked to being overweight. The more activity you engage in, the healthier you eat and the more rest you get will all ensure that you are the healthiest you can be. Your belly fat will melt away and you’ll be a much happier, healthier person because of it. So make a plan to lose belly fat and get started today!

Find out more on How to Lose Belly Fat.

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