How to reduce weight at hips and legs and How to reduce Thigh Fat

how to lose weight on legs

How to reduce weight at hips and legs and How to reduce Thigh Fat

Losing weight can be difficult, even frustrating, especially when you are trying to lose weight around pesky trouble spots like the thighs and hips. It can become maddening to perform hours of exercise in those problem spots and not see results. At least for women, losing weight on the hips and thighs is an eternal dream and to confess the truth, the same issue has intrigued most weight loss doctors because many methods used for weight-loss simply do not show results in these problem areas.

Read more on Weight loss Tips and Fast weight Loss. Also visit on Obesity Treatment

In order to lose weight from your hips and thighs, you will need to attack the problem on two fronts: exercise and diet. There are different methods which work for different people which have proven benefits like:

Hip Reducing Exercises

There is a wide range of hip slimming exercises varying according to their utilities (benefits) and applicability. We take a look at some of those here.

1 . Side Lunge Slide

This hip toning exercise works on the gluteus mediums muscle. You can’t do this exercise on a carpet. Smooth floor is better. Stand with feet stretched apart to hip width with one foot on a paper plate. Slide your foot, which is on the paper plate, away sidewise while keeping torso and abs upright. You will need to bend the other knee. Hold it there for a while and get the foot back sliding to original position. Repeat the same for the next foot and then the cycle for 8-10 times. You can rest your hands on your torso.

2 . Front one legged squat

Stand on a step to begin with. Lift your left leg out forward and slowly begin to squat till the toe of the left foot touches the floor. Touch the floor lightly while keeping the right knee in line with your toes. Now stand up slowly and repeat it 8-10 times. Change legs and repeat for 4-5 sets again.

3. Chair squat

Stand in front of a chair with your feet spread to hip width, hold torso straight and abs tight. Slowly bend your knees without spreading until you are almost sitting on the chair. Hold knees behind toes and for balance you can stretch arms forward. Hold there for about 2-3 seconds and then stand up slowly. Repeat for 14-15 times and of 2-3 sets.

4. Bullfrog

Bull frog is another of the hip strengthening exercises that also works on thighs. This is not recommended for those of you with joint pains and arthritis. Stand up with feet spread to hip width. Then squat till hips are in the lowest position. Hold there for not more than a second and then in one swift move leap up like a frog does. Repeat this 8-10 times but not on a hard floor to avoid injury. This exercise is also called as squat thrust.

Cut fat Intake

Check the amount and type of oil and fat in the diet. Some people gain a lot of fat on hips and thighs if they are consuming butter, ghee, cheese, milk and curd. The smart option is to switch to olive oil or vegetable oil.

Avoid too much paneer, oil in dals (pulses) or even combination of oil and cereal like matthi, chips, fries, paratha, samosa, biryani, etc .

For breakfast, one can make a vegetable stuffed toast or a mushroom toast and for a change on Sundays, toasted garlic bread with olive oil is a yummy option. You can even have low Glycemic index (GI) fruits for breakfast.

Pump up the fiber in the diet by going for fruits with skin, multigrain atta (wheat flour) with wheat bran, jowar, bajra, channa, soy, etc .

Method C: Exercise

1 . Forgive me for stating the bare truth: all exercises do not work to lose weight on hips and thighs, be it the exer-cycle or the cross-trainer. The only thing they do is tighten the muscles and bulk it up!

2 . The best method to lose weight specifically on hips and thighs is to walk briskly as much as your body can do comfortably and finally take it to 4 kilometers.

3. For people who already walk, do a reality check on your diet and then take the walk to 5 or 6 kilometers. Thrice a week, skip the walk and do calisthenics (calisthenics are floor exercises which stretches and tones the body muscles)

4. Remember to add 1 teaspoon karela (bitter gourd) juice to the regime.

Read more on Weight loss Tips and Fast weight Loss. Also visit on Obesity Treatment

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